
Danaus plexippus

Wingspan: 3 3/4 – 4”. Above: orange with prominent black veins and borders. Hindwings of male have a black scent patch. Head and body are black with white spots. Below; same as above, but slightly paler. Caterpillar is 2 ¾” long, black with white and yellow bands. Has a pair of flexible filaments on its thorax and next-to-last abdominal segment. Fully grown caterpillar changes to a barrel-shaped, leaf green chrysalis studded with gold dots; developing butterfly can be seen inside. Change from egg to butterfly takes four weeks; has many generations a year.

  • In Canada the Monarch is called “King Billy” because of its orange and black colors which are those of King William of Orange.

  • On the east coast, adults migrate 2,000 miles from Canada to Mexico to overwinter.

Habitat: Open areas, meadows, fields, marshes, roadsides.

Larval food plants: Milkweed.

Adult food: Flower nectar of various species of milkweed and composites such as Joe-Pye weed, aster, thistle, ironweed, cosmos, goldenrod. Also mallow, lantana, buttonbush, dogbane, lilac and various species of mint.


Milbert’s Tortoiseshell


Mourning Cloak