Danaus plexippus
Wingspan: 3 3/4 – 4”. Above: orange with prominent black veins and borders. Hindwings of male have a black scent patch. Head and body are black with white spots. Below; same as above, but slightly paler. Caterpillar is 2 ¾” long, black with white and yellow bands. Has a pair of flexible filaments on its thorax and next-to-last abdominal segment. Fully grown caterpillar changes to a barrel-shaped, leaf green chrysalis studded with gold dots; developing butterfly can be seen inside. Change from egg to butterfly takes four weeks; has many generations a year.
In Canada the Monarch is called “King Billy” because of its orange and black colors which are those of King William of Orange.
On the east coast, adults migrate 2,000 miles from Canada to Mexico to overwinter.
Habitat: Open areas, meadows, fields, marshes, roadsides.
Larval food plants: Milkweed.
Adult food: Flower nectar of various species of milkweed and composites such as Joe-Pye weed, aster, thistle, ironweed, cosmos, goldenrod. Also mallow, lantana, buttonbush, dogbane, lilac and various species of mint.