Master Gardeners

Master Gardener Volunteers
For many years, the Charlotte Rhoades Park has met the qualifications by the Hancock County Extension Office to be a Master Gardener Work Site. We are indebted to and grateful for the service of the Master Gardeners, who tend the gardens throughout the season. While learning to identify caterpillar and butterfly species and their host plants, Master Gardeners participate in butterfly counts, explain organic gardening techniques, and serve as docents.
Master Gardener Volunteers meet weekly starting in the Spring and help maintain the Butterfly Gardens, performing various tasks such as pruning, planting, fertilizing, watering, weeding, deadheading, composting, and putting out signage. They are on hand to assist with the annual Butterfly Release benefit in July. Master Gardeners share their knowledge with all visitors and help with elementary school students on fall field trips.
How do you become a Master Gardener?
Cooperative Extension offices nationwide offer Master Gardener Programs, which provide participants with at least 40 hours of in-depth training in the art and science of horticulture. Trainees receive current, researched based information from Extension Educators and industry experts. In return, trained Master Gardeners volunteer their time and expertise for community programs like the Charlotte Rhoades Park and Butterfly Gardens.
Master Gardener Volunteers are recognized as well-trained practitioners who serve and beautify their communities. They are linked to a professional network of support through county, state, and national Cooperative Extension offices. Contact your local county extension office to learn more about becoming a Master Gardener Volunteer in your community!