Milbert’s Tortoiseshell

Nymphalis milberti

Wingspan: 1 3/4-2:. Above: bright, two-toned, orange and yellow bands borders dark brown areas. Two orange patches on forewings. Below: Mostly dark brown with lighter, wide band. Caterpillar is black above with white dots, yellowish sides, and branched spines.

  • Female lays up to 900 eggs on the underside of host plant leaves. Often three generations a year. Its numbers in any location vary radically from year to year.

  • Caterpillars feed together in a web, sometimes defoliating trees. Older caterpillars feed alone and make a shelter of folded leaves tied with silk.

  • Adults hibernate, sometimes in small groups.

Habitat: In northern range, likes wet areas near woodlands, damp pastures, marshes.

Larval food plants: Nettles

Adult food: Thistles, goldenrods, and lilacs; probably also sap and rotting fruit.


Meadow Fritillary

