Red Admiral

Vanessa atalanta

Wingspan: 1 3/4-2 1/4″. Above; black with orange-red bar across middle of forewing and hindwing border. Below: black and brown marbling with pink bar on forewing. Usually unable to overwinter in Maine; repopulates each spring by immigrants from more southern areas.

  • Territorial behavior; may be found in same place for several days or weeks. Opens its wings while resting or feeding.

Habitat: Moist woods, yards, parks, marshes, moist fields, and streams banks.

Larval food plants: Members of the nettle family, pincushion flower, tree sap.

Adult food: Sap flows on trees, fermenting fruit, bird droppings. When these are not available, they will use nectar from flowers such as common milkweed, red clover, aster, and goldenrod.


Pearl Crescent


Spring Azure